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How to help a child overcome the inferiority complex

The inferiority complex can occur in children for different causes and motives and it is very important that parents recognize it in time to be able to help their children who suffer from this complex and thus not have devastating effects on their personality or on his life.


A child with an inferiority complex may lose self-confidence and therefore may not be able to succeed in life. If the parents do nothing to help their child overcome this complex, then the child would never get out of these imaginary feelings and withdraw into himself / herself. Parents play a primary role in the lives of their children and they will be the ones who should offer help to their children.

Signs that your child has an inferiority complex

To know if your child has feelings of inferiority, you should be attentive to some of the signs that will let you know without your child having to tell you anything:

  • You will avoid having friends or being with them if you have them.
  • They will prefer to stay home rather than go out and play.
  • You will not want to participate in extracurricular activities that mean being with other children or competing.
  • You don’t want to show off your skills in public.
  • He will think that everyone else is better than him.
  • You don’t want to go to parties or events because you don’t have to socialize with others.
  • He will always talk about his bad luck and blame others before accepting his failures.
  • You will avoid participating in any sports competition.
  • You don’t want to do anything that might make you feel bad in front of others.
  • You will not trust your chances.
  • If you make mistakes you will think it is your fault and if you do something right you will say that it was luck.

How to help a child overcome the inferiority complex

Help you be positive

Do not allow the inferiority complex to dominate your child, help him get rid of his fears and all the negativity that surrounds him. In this way you can see that those feelings are imaginary and you can understand how wrong you were about yourself. Only positive thinking can help your child to come out of that shell that has been built. Help him to be more enthusiastic about him so that he can increase his confidence levels.

Help you realize your full potential

You need to recognize your child’s hidden abilities and help nurture and empower them. If your child has some kind of skill like painting or music, identify that potential and encourage him to improve. Try to let your child know that he has (real) talents, this will help him become more confident.

Accept the causes

It is important to know the exact cause that makes a child feel inferior (perhaps overweight, some physical defect, poor performance …) and help you with it. For example, if he is overweight, help him lose it, if he has poor academic performance, motivate him to study, if he has speech problems, take him to a speech therapist to improve his ability … If it is a specific problem that generates this complex, help him overcome it.

If the reason for the inferiority complex is something bigger like a defect in the body that cannot be overcome, then it is necessary to accept it. It is necessary for the child to understand that they must learn to live with it. When your child accepts the problem, he will not feel inferior to others for that reason. Accepting the problem is overcoming it.

If you think it is necessary or you think that the inferiority complex is affecting your child’s quality of life too much, then do not hesitate and take him to a specialist to work on his emotions.